Bay Ridge Ladies' Auxiliary
Est. 1952
The Ladies Auxiliary of Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Company provides invaluable service to the fire company. Through support services on large incidents, they assist the firefighters in being able to perform their duty. Also, the auxiliary supports the community and the department through a variety of fundraisers and programs that aid the fire company in accomplishing its mission.
The Ladies Auxiliary was founded in 1952; Mrs. Marjorie Bardin was the chairperson of the organizing committee. The first president of the Auxiliary was Mrs. Esther VanVorst. The meetings were held in Mohican Grange Hall and the group got to work immediately. In their first year, they were able to generate $150, which in modern value is about $1,500. Along with Marjorie Bardin and Esther VanVorst, the early members were Mary Martindale, Viola Melanson, Rachel Kubrikcy, and Ruth Parkhill.
Susan Mellon
Melissa Hamlin
Sandra Dickinson
Maura Mellon
Trish Chatham
Pam Hunsinger
Susan Ogden
Kelly Bell
Trish Chatham
Sandra Dickinson
Melissa Hamlin
Aubrie Harrington
Julia Hatt
Pamela Hunsinger
Danelle LaPann
Maura Mellon
Rose Mellon
Susan Mellon
Susan Ogden
Nan Scinta
Kathryne Snide
Erin Tims